Monthly Dues
Dues are $240 per month. Dues assessments are due on the 1st of each month. Per the Brownstone CCRs, there is a $10 late fee after the 10th day of each month and an additional $15 late fee for payments made after the last day of the month. We offer a free bank draft service for automatic draft of your monthly dues. A copy of the form is below.
How To Pay Monthly Dues
There are several ways homeowners can pay their HOA dues. All payments should be made payable to the HOA and should include your street address and account number in the memo area. Your account number can be found on your coupon book. Mailed payments should be sent 7-10 days before your payment is due to allow for USPS delivery on time.
We offer a free ACH Bank Draft through our office. Drafts are processed on 15th day of the month and may come out of your bank a day earlier or later depending on your bank. A form to sign up is located at the bottom of the page under HOA Documents.
Owners can pay by mailing their monthly coupons with a check or money order to PO Box 99397, Raleigh, NC 27624.
Owners can also pay using their banks bill pay service. Payments should be made payable to the HOA and should include your street address and account number in the memo area. Your account number can be found on your coupon book. Please make sure the bank mails your check 7-10 days before your payment is due to allow for USPS delivery on time.
Payments can be made in person using the drop box at our office. Our office is located at 222 S Swing Road, Unit 2, Greensboro, NC 27409.
Payments can also be made using credit/debit cards or e-check in the Prestige online owner portal. To get started in the online portal, please follow these steps:
Step 1. Click on the "Owner Login" link at the top of this page. It will take you to the owner portal page. At the top of that page, click "SIGN IN" and “Create Account”
Step 2. Enter your name, property address, phone number and email address in the appropriate boxes. (Your account number can be found on your coupon book or invoice statement if you have it but is not required for sign up.)
Step 3. Once you have filled out the form, select "Register" to Create Your Account.
Step 4. Check the boxes under "Directory Listing" that you would like to display in the community online directory.
Step 5. Click the "Submit" button to register. You will receive a confirmation email with your password within 24-48 business hours of registering. Your account page will then appear, and you will see the options and features that are available to you
Townhomes Insurance Coverage
As a town home community the Association only carries liability insurance on the common areas. Your unit is NOT insured by the HOA. As a homeowner, you own the structure of the townhome and are responsible for insurance on your unit to cover the dwelling and personal property contents in the event of fire or destruction by obtaining an HO-3 policy. Please contact your insurance agent to make sure you have the correct type of policy coverage.
Rules and Regulations
Homeowners are governed by the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions of the Association. A copy of these documents is below. These rules are guidelines for living in this community.
Architectural Control Requests
If you have a question about if your project requires Architectural Approval please contact our office and we will be happy to answer any questions about your specific project.
Selling or Buying a Townhome
The Brownstone Townhouse Community is governed by a Homeowners Association. The following is provided as a summary of important rules/regulations of our Association:
Before you make an offer to purchase any Townhome you as a Buyer should obtain from the Seller or the realtor a copy of the Brownstone Association 1) Articles of Incorporation; 2) Bylaws and 3) Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions 4) Handbook.
1. Owners are required to carry Homeowners and Liability Insurance and have Brownstone Homeowners’ Association named as ADDITIONAL INTERESTED.
2. Units must be owner occupied.
3. No unit may be occupied for more than 30 days in any calendar year by more than four (4) individuals in a 1,252 SF unit or by more than five (5) individuals in a 1,596 SF unit.
4. No noxious or offensive activity is allowed.
5. Pets are allowed, but only dogs, cats and other household pets not for commercial purposes and pets shall be domesticated and primarily inside the unit pets. Brownstone HOA is obligated to report tethering regulation violations. No savage or dangerous pets. Owners will bag and dispose of solid pet waste. While outdoors, pets must be under the control of the owner.
6. Ownership of each lot shall entitle the owner to the use of not more than 2 automobile parking spaces; other parking guidelines include:
o No junk or disabled vehicles allowed.
o No trailer, RV, camper, camp truck, house trailer, boat, bus or similar vehicle allowed.
o No on street parking of any type of vehicle.
o Parking policy is enforced by towing.
o Guest must park in designated Visitor (V) parking ONLY.
7. No bicycles, scooters, baby carriages, or similar vehicles or toys or other personal articles shall be left unattended.
8. No exterior improvements, alternations, additions, repairs, change of paint colors, plantings, excavations, fencing, ramps, changes in grade…shall be made or done without the prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee. Exterior building changes to include patio, deck, bridge, etc. and landscaping changes that have been approved by the Association are the responsibility of the current unit owner and subsequent owner’s of that unit to maintain, repair, trim, replace, etc. If you as a buyer require clarification, you should contact the Association before you purchase the unit.
9. No satellite dishes or other tangible personal property of any type, form or description shall be placed on any Unit or Common Area.
10. No person listed as a registered sex offender, or who is required to register as a sex offender, within the state of NC may own, occupy or reside on a lot within the Association.
11. Brownstone does not have a master policy for structure insurance or pest control to include wood destroying insects.
Brownstone is managed by Prestige Management (336-378-1778). Questions from perspective buyers should be directed through their realtor.